I recently built Kuri, an open-source Dead-Letter Queue-as-a-Service (DLQaaS) for small distributed applications deployed on AWS infrastructure.

Kuri was built for developers who want extended DLQ functionality and observability. The installation and deployment of Kuri is quick and easy, allowing the developer to bypass the provisioning of over a dozen AWS resources and policy permissions. Kuri's user interface provides the ability to view, edit, re-drive, and delete DLQ messages.

I collaborated with a remote team of international engineers on the conceptualization, design and development of the Kuri project.

Other Projects

Request Bucket image

Request Bucket

An application built to capture and monitor webhooks (Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, deployed on DigitalOcean Droplet with Nginx and PM2).

Shopping Cart image


A Trello-like collaboration application (Node.js, Express, React, MongoDB).

Bello image

Todo Tracker

A database-backed todo tracking application (Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, deployed on Heroku).

Shopping Cart

A database-backed e-commerce application (Node.js, Express, React, MongoDB).

About Me

My first passion in life was biology and in my previous career I was a research scientist. The transition from research to coding went smoothly, as the process of coding and debugging was very similar to the problem solving strategies I had already developed. What drives me as a software engineer is the same thing that drove me as a scientist: the desire to learn new things and tackle interesting problems. Besides the thrill of catching bugs and writing working code, one of the things I most enjoy about developing software is collaborating with a team of engineers.

When I’m not on my laptop, I like to curl up with a good book or go hiking (only when it’s not too hot outside!). I enjoy traveling, both to explore new places and to visit family members that are spread out in different countries. A personal goal of mine in the near future is to finally learn how to play a musical instrument 🎵

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out, and thanks for stopping by!